  1. Hog Slaughter

From the recording Void Emperor


“Hog Slaughter”

You are the chosen.
You must purify your mind.
Plunge deep into a roiling ocean of outrage.
Leave all your doubts behind.
Tap Into your wrath electric.
Let it power your motor.
You’re the preeminent,
Supreme slaughter machine.
Now rev up your revengeful engine.

Observe gluttonous hogs,
In a fortified paradise.
In their castles built on hills of heartache.
They take more & more & more,
To get by & they buy until we die.
And with every billion $pent,
Our parallel suffering and torment.
No more.

O, Won’t you kill the pig?
Can you come out to kill the pig?
Gather ‘round & kill the pig.
Children, watch us kill the pig.